AUDIO - Interviews with Dr. Eric Karlstrom Listen to recorded interviews

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Global Warming Fraud (Talkshoe, 10/9/13)
1 Hour 44 Minutes

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Global Warming Fraud, 9/11, Mind Control(Blogtalk Radio 11/25/13)
1 Hour 59 Minutes

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Misanthropic Global Hoaxing (The Mind Renewed, 4/6/13)
2 Hours

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Global Warming Hoax (1/14/13)
1 Hour 56 Minutes

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Global Warming Hoax (6/19/12)
2 Hours 7 Minutes

Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Global Warming Hoax (10/4/11)
2 Hours 3 Minutes