Published Work of Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom
2001 Karlstrom, E.T. and Barendregt, R.W., Fabric, paleomagnetism and interpretation of pre-Illinoian diamictons and paleosols on Cloudy Ridge and Milk River Ridge, Alberta and Montana, Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, v. 55, no. 2, 141-157.
2000 Karlstrom, E.T., Fabric and origin of multiple diamictons within the pre-Illinoian Kennedy Drift east of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Alberta, Canada, and Montana, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 112, no. 10, 1496-1506.
1995 Cioppa, M.T., Karlstrom, E.T., Barendregt, R.W., and Irving, E., Paleomagnetism of tills and associated paleosols in southwestern Alberta and northern Montana: evidence for late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene glaciations. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 32, no. 5, p. 555-564.
1994 Karlstrom, E.T. Paleoclimatic interpretation of a highly-weathered paleosol in till at Topeka, Kansas. Institute for Tertiary-Quaternary Studies- TER-QUA Symposium Series, v. 2, p. 155-177.
1991 Karlstrom , E.T., Paleoclimatic significance of Late Cenozoic paleosols of Waterton-Glacier Parks, Alberta and Montana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. v. 85, p. 71-100.
1991 ________, On the relative importance of natural and human-induced climate changes. ITEST (Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology) Bulletin, v. 22, no. 2, p. 7-8.
1991 Barendregt, R.W., Irving, E., and Karlstrom, E.T., Paleomagnetism of Quaternary and late Tertiary sediments on Mokowan Butte, southwestern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 28, no. 12, p. 1956-1964.
1990 Karlstrom, E.T., Relict periglacial features east of Waterton-Glacier Parks, Alberta and Montana, and paleoclimatic significance. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, v. 1, no. 3, p. 221-234.
1988 Karlstrom, E.T., Multiple paleosols in pre-Wisconsinan drift, northwestern Montana and southwestern Alberta. Catena, v. 15, p. 147-178.
1987 Karlstrom, E.T, Stratigraphy and genesis of five superposed pre-Wisconsinan soils on Mokowan Butte, southwestern Alberta, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 24, no. 11, p. 2235-2253.
1987 Karlstrom, E. T., and Karlstrom, T. N. V., Late Quaternary alluvial history of the American West: Towards a process paradigm: Summary of a GSA symposium. Geology, January, p. 88-89.
Professional paper presentations relating to magnitude of climate change
2013 Karlstrom, E.T., Magnitude of Quaternary temperature fluctuations inferred from relict paleosols and periglacial features, Waterton-Glacier Park area, Montana and Alberta, Rocky Mountain GSA Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs, 2013, Volume 45, No. 5, p. 39.
2012 Karlstrom, E.T., Range of Mean Annual Temperatures of the Past Million Years Inferred From Properties of Relict Paleosols and Periglacial Features, Glacier Park Area, Montana, Rocky Mountain Geological Society of America Section Meeting, 9- 11 May, 2012, Vol. 44, No. 6, p. 84.